2022 Stock Market Outlook – be prepared

Jan 16, 2022

In this week's Global Stock Update I address;

  • The US decline really clicking into gear
  • How weak is it at the individual stock level?
  • A possible roadmap for 2022

Portfolio Analyst provides more in depth market commentary, sector analysis and education plus stock recommendations. Members can submit stocks for me to review from a fundamental and technical perspective.

 Portfolio Analyst this week covered;

  • The importance of your thinking process
  • Big picture charts to watch
  • Portfolio reviews


You can sign up for a 2 Week Free Trial to access every video and training I’ve delivered at http://www.specialistshareeducation.com.au/freetrial

Garry Davis (AR No:317590) is an authorised representative of Primary Securities Ltd (AFSL No. 224107). The information presented is general information only. Any advice is general advice only. Neither your personal objectives, financial situation or needs have been taken into consideration.

Check out Australian Stock Market.


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How Rising Interest Rates will drive Stock Prices Down

Jan 09, 2022

In this week's Global Stock Update I address;

  • The rotation to defensive gathers pace
  • What is driving price changes & how far will it go?
  • Precious metals still going nowhere

Portfolio Analyst provides more in depth market commentary, sector analysis and education plus stock recommendations. Members can submit stocks for me to review from a fundamental and technical perspective.

 Portfolio Analyst this week covered;

  • My 2022 expectations
  • Outlook for Graphite
  • Timing entries & exits on 10 baggers


You can sign up for a 2 Week Free Trial to access every video and training I’ve delivered at http://www.specialistshareeducation.com.au/freetrial

Garry Davis (AR No:317590) is an authorised representative of Primary Securities Ltd (AFSL No. 224107). The information presented is general information only. Any advice is general advice only. Neither your personal objectives, financial situation or needs have been taken into consideration.

Check out Australian Stock...

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Bonds and Stocks at odds over Inflation | What it means

Dec 19, 2021

In this week's Global Stock Update I address;

  • The bond market does not believe the Fed & inflation
  • Highly conflicting signals, a week to ignore
  • Short term uncertainty
  • Longer term, growth & quality will prevail

Portfolio Analyst provides more in depth market commentary, sector analysis and education plus stock recommendations. Members can submit stocks for me to review from a fundamental and technical perspective.

 Portfolio Analyst this week covered;

  • Our brand new trading review format, Taking Stock
  • Service Objectives of the new format
  • Price Cycle Phases
  • Review of portfolio exits & entries
  • Next steps after the video


You can sign up for a 2 Week Free Trial to access every video and training I’ve delivered at http://www.specialistshareeducation.com.au/freetrial

Garry Davis (AR No:317590) is an authorised representative of Primary Securities Ltd (AFSL No. 224107). The information presented is general information only. Any advice is general advice...

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Why I’m Short Term Cautious, Long Term Bullish

Dec 12, 2021

In this week's Global Stock Update I address;

  • Small and midcaps rebounded but ..
  • The short term outlook has not changed
  • Longer term remains bullish
  • The Fed will remain the centre of attention

Portfolio Analyst provides more in depth market commentary, sector analysis and education plus stock recommendations. Members can submit stocks for me to review from a fundamental and technical perspective.

 Portfolio Analyst this week covered;

  • Trading in the new investing climate
  • More detail about the new format starting next week
  • Portfolio reviews and member questions


You can sign up for a 2 Week Free Trial to access every video and training I’ve delivered at http://www.specialistshareeducation.com.au/freetrial

Garry Davis (AR No:317590) is an authorised representative of Primary Securities Ltd (AFSL No. 224107). The information presented is general information only. Any advice is general advice only. Neither your personal objectives, financial situation or needs have...

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Why I’ve turned Bearish on Stock Markets

Dec 05, 2021

In this week's Global Stock Update I address;

  • Policy error was always going to be the greatest risk
  • The speed of the change is highly significant
  • Now is a time for caution
  • Better to reduce exposure unnecessarily than to be caught out badly

Portfolio Analyst provides more in depth market commentary, sector analysis and education plus stock recommendations. Members can submit stocks for me to review from a fundamental and technical perspective.

 Portfolio Analyst this week covered;

  • Lessons of March 2020
  • Finding the next Amazon
  • Preparing for a financial crisis - NOT
  • Stocks to watch when selloffs occur
  • Portfolio reviews and 3 stocks you may hold which are a sell


You can sign up for a 2 Week Free Trial to access every video and training I’ve delivered at http://www.specialistshareeducation.com.au/freetrial

Garry Davis (AR No:317590) is an authorised representative of Primary Securities Ltd (AFSL No. 224107). The information presented is general information only....

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Could we see a 10-20% Stock Market Correction? COVID fears return

Nov 28, 2021

In this week's Global Stock Update I address;

  • The COVID scare is back but ..
  • Was this an over-reaction OR ...
  • The start of something bigger
  • Preparing for excellent opportunities

Portfolio Analyst provides more in depth market commentary, sector analysis and education plus stock recommendations. Members can submit stocks for me to review from a fundamental and technical perspective.

 Portfolio Analyst this week covered;

  • Scanning vs List Building
  • A review of our exits in the 10 Bagger Portfolio
  • A number of potential core and/or trading opportunities brought up by members
  • Portfolio reviews

You can sign up for a 2 Week Free Trial to access every video and training I’ve delivered at http://www.specialistshareeducation.com.au/freetrial

Garry Davis (AR No:317590) is an authorised representative of Primary Securities Ltd (AFSL No. 224107). The information presented is general information only. Any advice is general advice only. Neither your personal objectives, financial...

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Compelling Strength in the US Stock Market

Nov 22, 2021

In this week's Global Stock Update I address;

  • The pathway for US stocks remains upwards
  • The USD a key driver for equities
  • Precious metals holding its breakout despite Friday weakness

Portfolio Analyst provides more in depth market commentary, sector analysis and education plus stock recommendations. Members can submit stocks for me to review from a fundamental and technical perspective.

 Portfolio Analyst this week covered;

  • Scanning vs List Building
  • A review of our exits in the 10 Bagger Portfolio
  • A number of potential core and/or trading opportunities brought up by members
  • Portfolio reviews

You can sign up for a 2 Week Free Trial to access every video and training I’ve delivered at http://www.specialistshareeducation.com.au/freetrial

Garry Davis (AR No:317590) is an authorised representative of Primary Securities Ltd (AFSL No. 224107). The information presented is general information only. Any advice is general advice only. Neither your personal objectives,...

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Should we be worried about Inflation?

Nov 14, 2021

In this week's Global Stock Update I address;

  • US earnings remain a tailwind
  • But what about inflation
  • Are precious metals proving the experts wrong?

Portfolio Analyst provides more in depth market commentary, sector analysis and education plus stock recommendations. Members can submit stocks for me to review from a fundamental and technical perspective.

 Portfolio Analyst this week covered;

  • How to create and execute a gameplan for YOU
  • Some compelling trade opportunities
  • How takeovers and delistings work
  • How to place stops to avoid market makers and algorithms
  • Portfolio reviews, inc our first stock to cross the 10 Bagger threshold

You can sign up for a 2 Week Free Trial to access every video and training I’ve delivered at http://www.specialistshareeducation.com.au/freetrial

Garry Davis (AR No:317590) is an authorised representative of Primary Securities Ltd (AFSL No. 224107). The information presented is general information only. Any advice is general advice only....

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Positive Signs in the Right Areas of the Market

Nov 07, 2021

In this week's Global Stock Update I address;

  • Semiconductors in big breakout
  • US small caps running again
  • Forward EPS growth supports the US rally
  • Precious metals stronger

Portfolio Analyst provides more in depth market commentary, sector analysis and education plus stock recommendations. Members can submit stocks for me to review from a fundamental and technical perspective.

 Portfolio Analyst this week covered;

  • An addition to the US Multi Bagger Portfolio
  • Market perspective
  • The life cycle of mining stocks
  • Helium sector
  • Portfolio reviews and member questions

You can sign up for a 2 Week Free Trial to access every video and training I’ve delivered at http://www.specialistshareeducation.com.au/freetrial

Garry Davis (AR No:317590) is an authorised representative of Primary Securities Ltd (AFSL No. 224107). The information presented is general information only. Any advice is general advice only. Neither your personal objectives, financial situation or needs have been...

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Seasonally Strongest Two Months of the year - what to expect

Oct 31, 2021

In this week's Global Stock Update I address;

  • Seasonally "weak" week flips to strongest 2 months of the year
  • Why the gains should continue
  • Battery materials stocks still "giving"
  • Precious metals continue to confuse

Portfolio Analyst provides more in depth market commentary, sector analysis and education plus stock recommendations. Members can submit stocks for me to review from a fundamental and technical perspective.

 Portfolio Analyst this week covered;

  • Vulcan Minerals Trading Halt
  • Lithium sector and stocks
  • Hydrogen sector and stocks
  • Stock screening

You can sign up for a 2 Week Free Trial to access every video and training I’ve delivered at http://www.specialistshareeducation.com.au/freetrial

Garry Davis (AR No:317590) is an authorised representative of Primary Securities Ltd (AFSL No. 224107). The information presented is general information only. Any advice is general advice only. Neither your personal objectives, financial situation or needs have been taken...

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